Kids Off The Block!

With the world heading in an unknown direction, there is one thing we all know for sure; there are certain things that will never be the same again. And education is at the front of that ever changing phenomena. An education is the most important asset for a child. Depending on geographical location and other variables, parents typically find it financially impossible to pay for both daycare and extracurricular activities. Our Tec Center will provide parents with the ability to educate their children, while at the same time enlightening them with extracurricular activities geared more towards their children’s talents, skills, and ambitions. The inability for hard-working parents to provide both of these life necessities is why we created the Tec Center. For the first time, hard-working parents can both educate their children, and provide extracurricular activities that keeps their kids off the streets. And they will be able to do all of this for less than the cost of daycare alone. Through sponsorships, memberships, and endorsements, we will be fortunate enough to put 50-100 kids per session through a program that will enhance their life skills in many areas such as education, technology, music, film, sports and more! That’s right! KOB has revolutionized the way children learn and thrive in our communities! If you would like to get involved, or know more, please contact We thank you again for taking the time to learn more about our new Tec Center! Diane Latiker – Founder/President